Does anyone have a life plan anymore? or is this even a thing?
Well I was one of those people that had the now cringe worthy life plans. Looking back at it now it was totally unrealistic but hey just 5 years ago this plan totally seemed achievable.
What was my life plan you ask?
My plan was that right out of University I would find my dream job, I would work Mon-Fri and my weekends free. I would be in a serious relationship by 20 and get married by 25 and have kids within a few years.
Well guess what i'm almost 25 and none of those things are true. I have been out of University for over a year now and i'm still working the job I had while in University. I am in no serious relationship, well in matter of a fact never really been in one. So there is no chance of marriage any time soon and I can't imagine have kids yet at this stage of my life.
Its funny to think that 5 years ago this was my plan and when I look at that plan now I just laugh. How could I have scheduled parts of my life that are just suppose to happen. I can't plan when i'm gonna fall in love its just something that will hopefully happen. What I have learned is that if I want a plan, make it achievable.
I still think making a life plan is a good idea but centre around things like:
How do you want to be remembered?
What is important to you?
What do you want to accomplish?
What makes you happy?
My new life plan is I guess more of a goal to be happy and to live everyday to its fullest. Keep volunteering, as it puts a smile on my face and I enjoy it. Help out when you can and to not sweat the small stuff. A job will come my way it just takes time and everyone grows up at a different rate so don't sweat the small stuff. Most importantly ENJOY your time with your FRIENDS AND FAMILY.