DIY Notebooks
11:00:00 AM
Hard to believe that the back to school season is starting, I know this post might be a bit early for some but I know some people go back to school in August. I thought I'd share and give everyone the equal opportunity to try these.
I did 3 different notebooks and all 3 are very easy to make and are great if you want unique school supplies. The 3 notebooks I made were flash tattoo notebook, embroidered notebook and 2 toned notebook.
Flash Tattoo Notebook
LOVE this notebook I think its my fav our of the 3, I love how creative you can be with this notebook it just requires flash tattoos which most people have now a days.
What you need
1. If you don't have a black notebook then paint your notebook black. My notebook took about 3 coats of paint, just make sure it is completely dry after each layer
2. Cut out the flash tattoos you want and place them on your notebook so you can see the look you are going to create
3. Take some paper towel and water and apply the flash tattoos face down on the notebook. I find with flash tattoos you have to hold the paper towel on the tattoo longer. Then peal off the paper, leaving behind the metallic tattoo.
4. Don't Panic. Yes your notebook could be wet or darker around the flash tattoos but its just from the water, so let it dry.
Embroidered Notebook
This notebook takes a little bit of time but its great at making your notebook unique, just a little tip your notebook should be paper or a cardboard cover this will make things A LOT easier.
What you need
1. Cut the card stock to fit your notebook, unless you have a plain notebook. Then glue it to the notebook.
2. I found it easier to trace out my pattern on the notebook, so I knew it was all evenly spaced out and I knew where to put the needle.
3. Take the needle and poke a hole where you want the sting trust me this helps, I learned the hard way.
4. Take your needle and tread and do your desired design, just remember to start and end the design with the sting on the back of the cover of the notebook.
Two-Toned Notebook
This is the easiest and quickest out of all the notebooks. I'm not joking it took at a max 2 minutes to make. All you need is your notebook and scrapbook paper of your choice.
What you need
1. Take your scrapbook paper and cut it to fit your notebook
2. Then cut your scrapbook paper on a diagonal from one corner to the other, then glue it to the notebook.