6 Things I Wish I Had Done In College/University
11:00:00 AMAfter completing my degree I realized that there was things that I wish I did while I was in University, my main overall thing I learnt was to say YES more and to step outside your comfort zone.
Things I wish I had done in University
1. Make friends in my classes
This can be quite tough as for most of my classes for my first 2 years I knew people in my classes so I didn't find the need to make friends. Then I found out one of my friends was doing the same program as me. I did make friends in my classes but it wasn't until it was almost to late, I meet most of my friends in my last year/ last semester. Once I started to get to know them I graduated and lost contact except for one. Most of the friends that I made were in my classes as early as my second year but I didn't take the time to make friends as I already knew people in my classes. I wish I took the time to make friends early in my university degree.
In most universities everyone is in the same boat where know one knows anyone, so it can be easier to make friends if you put the effort in. It's just every University/ College is different, same goes for the individual.
2. Go out and party
If you asked my friends they might say I'm a bit of a hobbit. This means that on any day i'd rather spend time at home in my pjs curled up watching Netflix. Well if I had my time back I wish I took the plunge and went to parties. I just didn't like the thought of going to some randoms house, getting wasted and forgetting what I did. Partying has never been my thing, I could count on 1 hand how many parties I've been to and how many times I have had a drink. Even when I turned 19, which is the legal drinking age I didn't go get drunk or party. Im not saying I wish i got drunk more, I just wish that when I was offered to go to a party that I would of said yes and not come up with a lame excuse.
3. Work in my field
By working in my field I mean that I got a job of volunteered in something that was associated with my degree. When I graduated I had no experience in my degree. I did work through University, which to me was good because a lot of people don't, but having experience in your field looks great on a resume when you go looking for a job.
4. Get to know your professors
The thought of going to a professors office hours terrified me. I was terrified to go speak to a teacher if I was having trouble because I thought that they would think I was stupid. Well I was wrong, they are there to help you. I learnt this in my last 1 1/2 at Uni as I started to get the same professors for different classes and they got to know you. When a prof gets to know you, and knows that you work hard and are putting in the effort can go a long way. They will take the time to help you and sometimes it can even help your grades. Knowing a prof can be the difference between a pass or fail or an B and an A.
5. Study Wisely
The thought of studying now is enough to make me sick, but trust me studying wisely is very important. I'm not gonna lie I was definitely a crammer, the night before a big test I would haul out my text book and notes for the first time all semester. This is not a good thing, it took time but I didn't learn. My last semester I was still all cramming, I have learned from this mistake but it is a little to late. By studying wisely I mean that after class take the time to look at your notes, if they are messy rewrite them, if its a power point printed add in extra bits so its not general. Read your textbook, add in notes from your textbook to your notes and mark important pages. Before a test/ exam take the time to combine all your notes so its all compact in 1 place, so you don't get lost trying to flick through 7 different things. If you have a lot of definitions use cue cards. This is what I have learnt but you might be a different type of learner than me, but the most important thing is to learn what works best for you.
6. Study Abroad
If you are given the chance or are able to study abroad I would recommend. I had the chance to but declined the offer. With my University there are 3 campuses, 2 in the province I live in and 1 in England. Normally once every 2 years there are courses that you can take over the summer in England that go towards your degree. You can also take courses that transfer to your degree. Some of my friends studied abroad and loved it, it gave them so many life experiences and they were able to experience different cultures and travel the world. I do wish I took the opportunity to study abroad.