New Years Resolutions 2017

12:29:00 PM

 New Year, New Me!! thats what most people make for their new years resolution. Well its not my resolution, I decided to make actual achievable resolutions.  I find that when I made resolutions, I would never achieve them because they were unrealistic. This year I decided to make resolutions that I should incorporate into my lifestyle and something that I probably should of done years ago.


1. Take care of my skin
       No more going to bed with makeup up and no more forgetting moisturizer

2. Don't waste money
       I found that I was wasting my money on pointless things that I never used. So for the next few months I'm going to try to save my money by doing a no spending challenge.

3. Eat more fruits and vegetables

4. Get on a sleep schedule
     I'm guilty for staying up until 3am watching netflix then having to get up at 7am. My goal is to go to bed around the same time everynight and wakeup about the same time, just to get myself into a schedule.

5. Use my planner more
    I normally only use my planner for writing down my hours for work but I would like to add things like blog posts, videos, cleaning schedule etc to keep myself organized and onto of things.

6. Floss more
     I know your suppose to floss your teeth every night, but honestly who does. Plus I have tight teeth which only makes it more of a chore (excuses i know). So I want to floss more.

7.  Be active
    I look back at myself 2 years ago and just think how much healthier I looked. I let myself slip and let my stress and life get in the way. I want to be like I was 2 years ago, healthier and being more confident.

8. Say YES
    I am someone who holds back a lot if its something new or going somewhere that I know nothing about. I find that I miss out on opportunities because I like my comfort zone. This year I want to say yes more and step out of my comfort zone.

Lets hope this year is a good one, and better than 2016. Here's the the 2017!!

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